Basic Exercise II
While you are occupied with the exercise of observing each of the abdominal movements, other mental activities may occur between the nothing of each rising and falling. Thoughts or other
mental functions, such as intentions, ideas, imaginings, etc., are likely to occur between each mental note of rising and falling. They cannot be disregarded. A mental note must be made of each
as it occurs.
If you imagine something, you must know that you have done so and make a mental note imagining. If you are simply think of something, mental note thinking. If you are reflect, reflecting. If you intend to do something, intending. When the mind wanders from the object of meditation which is the rising and falling of the abdomen, mentally note wandering.
Should you imagine you are going to a certain place, mental note going. When you arrive, arriving. When, in your thoughts, you meet a person, note meeting.Should you speak to him or her , speaking. If you are imaginatively argue with that person, arguing. If you are envision and imagine a light or color, be sure to note seeing. A mental vision must me noted on each occurrence of its appearance until it passes away. After its disappearance, continue with the Basic Exercise I by knowing, by being fully aware of each movement of the rising and falling abdomen.
Proceed carefully, without slackening. If you intend to swallow saliva while thus engaged, make a mental note intending. While in the act of swallowing, swallowing. If you intend to spit, spitting. Then return to the exercise of rising and falling. Suppose you intend to bend the neck, intending. In the act of bending, bending. When you intend to straighten the neck, intending. In the act of straightening the neck, straightening. The neck movements of bending and straightening must be done slowly. After mentally making a note of each of these actions, proceed in full awareness with noticing the movements of the rising and falling abdomen.