Monday, November 16, 2015

Buddhism a world religion

You may have heard of the prediction by Sir Arthur C. Clarke in his book "Deep Range", that Buddhism by the year 2050 or so, will be the most accepted and acclaimed religion in the World.

- "Buddhism is the only viable religion left, since the others all foundered in one way or another on the rocks of science, which is a problem. Its insistence on causing only the smallest amount of pain and the fewest possible deaths means a collision looms between Buddhist ethics and technologically advanced industrial whaling. Plus there might be sea serpents (no spoilers here, though!), and links between futuristic whaling and historic practices of ranchers and farmers (with plankton farming as a parallel to wheat farming). And explorations of suicidal ideation, electronic direct-democracy initiatives, media obsessiveness, uncapped undersea oil wells, and several other topics..."-

It appears it will be so from the recent happenings of antagonism displayed against Buddhism and even towards the Venerable Maha Sangha. It is a common saying that stones are pelted at fruit bearing trees and not barren ones. Twisting of arms and kicking cannot in anyway stop the forward march of the Divine Power. According to the laws of nature, all wrong doers will lament in repentance, in this life and thereafter.

Enlightenment as referred to in Buddhism, gives clairvoyant powers to those spiritually developed, to see at will, any part of the Physical World that we are living in. With the progress of science today any layman sees the physical world with the help of a TV camera and screen.

Apart from this physical world, Buddhism speaks of numerous other worlds visible only to those with clairvoyant powers, but unseen by the human eye or any TV camera so-far available today. With the rapid growth of scientific research, in the years to come a camera or a device will be produced that can view the unseen worlds such as the Astral World where most of us go, after so-called death. Then there is the Mental World and other worlds at higher levels for those possessing merit or good Karma, and also for those who have gained spiritual advancement by meditation during their life on earth. There are the ‘Apayas’ and ‘Nirayas’ for wrong doers of various degrees. All these could one day be viewed.
The day the great phenomenn talcen place when the laymen can see on a TV screen the unseen Worlds referred to above, the Truth of the Buddha - word will be clear to one and all. Thus Buddhism will nourish and conquer the World as a World Religion.

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