Tel. 01 445518 or 01 570306
Located 16 miles from Colombo, accessible by bus route 224 (Colombo/Pugoda).
Started in 1956, and offers Vipassana instruction in the style of Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma.
The centre can accommodate up to 70 meditators at a time. Accommodation, meals and services are offered free of charge, the centre being funded by donation. Meditators must dress in white throughout their stay (White clothing is available for foreigners). Meditators can stay for a number of weeks or months, and help can be given with visa extensions. It is recommended that meditators undergo an initial training period of 3 weeks at the centre. Tuition continues throughout the year, but as the centre can be full at times (particularly around poya days) it is wise to telephone ahead.
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